Shooting banana Emoticons, Smileys And Icons
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Shooting banana Emoticon

Shooting banana animated emoticon
4.62 (101 votes)

Here is another really funny shooter smiley. This is a classic banana smiley which combines his famous dance moves with some violence! Our fruity friend is wearing his sunglasses and firing his gun indiscriminately as he dances, it seems like he's really gone over the edge!

Emoticons like Shooting banana:

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User comments (6)

Gamer said:30 Dec '19

Find me on:
geomigy dash (mincraftfun)

Anonymous said:14 Apr '16

This is really funny!

Mrs. Know it all ~:P said:30 Jul '12

I think it's wrong that they make weed and pot ones... that's just not right!

Anonymous said:14 Jun '11

Haha the smoking one is pwn

smeee!! said:06 Jun '11

hehehe the ak-47 one looks good too!!

smeee!! said:06 Jun '11

pot smoking banana!!!!

Details for shooting banana

Suggested shortcut: ;gunana
Tags: shooting, rifle, violent, machine gun
Filename: banana-gun.gif

  • The Shooting banana emoticon is Animated
  • Shooting banana icon file size: 2.72 kB (2787)
  • Added on 12 May, 2011
  • Last commented on 30 December, 2019
  • Emoticon category: Violent Emoticons

'Shooting banana' is animated in 5 frames, the animation is 0.5 seconds long and loops 1001 times. It's a GIF animation measuring 33 by 34 pixels and has 197 colors, it also supports a transparent background.

Show frame details

Showing all 5 frames.

Codes for Shooting banana

To use the Shooting banana icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:

For more free Gun Smileys emoticons like the shooting banana icon, visit the Gun Emoticons pack. We have the best smileys for facebook, Skype and Yahoo.

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The shooting banana icon, smiley and emoticon is protected by copyright laws.