Baby banana Emoticons, Smileys And Icons
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Baby banana Emoticon

Baby banana animated emoticon

Use this banana smiley when you write your messages!! This is a baby smiley. It has a somewhat short animation. The colors which you can see in this banana dance smiley are jet black, duck egg blue, bright olive green, dark sage and sunshine yellow.

Emoticons like Baby banana:

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User comments (4)

Anonymous said:19 Jun '14

Lol that baby dancing bannana made me wet myself lol

I said:21 May '13

chicken hat, this is a frikin legned.

is funny said:06 Nov '12

Sorry If you don't find it funny you're not into banana smileys. they're called web classic emoticons. they're classics! do you get it?!

chicken hat said:05 Nov '12

poor. not very funny! sorry

Details for baby banana

Suggested shortcut: ;baby
Tags: funny, banana, dancing, baby, cute
Filename: baby-banana-smiley-emoticon.gif

  • The Baby banana emoticon is Animated
  • Baby banana icon file size: 2.59 kB (2656)
  • Added on 06 October, 2012
  • Last commented on 19 June, 2014
  • Emoticon category: Funny Emoticons

'Baby banana' is animated in 8 frames, the animation is 0.8 seconds long and loops 1001 times. It's a GIF animation measuring 33 by 40 pixels and has 16 colors, it also supports a transparent background.

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Showing all 8 frames.

Codes for Baby banana

To use the Baby banana icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:

For more free Dancing Bananas emoticons like the baby banana icon, visit the Banana Emoticons pack. We have the best smileys for facebook, Skype and Yahoo.

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The baby banana icon, smiley and emoticon is protected by copyright laws.