Open mouth Emoticons, Smileys And Icons
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Open mouth Emoticon

Open mouth animated emoticon

Here is a graphic with an open mouth. How awesome!! Sunflower yellow, sepia, charcoal grey, puce and orange yellow are the interesting colors that appear throughout this icon. Voice your opinion!! Rate it now (remember to be fair). Let others know what you think of this surprised smiley face! It's easy, just scroll down and leave your comment below!

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Details for open mouth

Suggested shortcut: ;open
Tags: shock, shocked, open mouth, surprised
Filename: open-mouth-smiley-emoticon.gif

  • The Open mouth emoticon is Animated
  • Open mouth icon file size: 7.49 kB (7668)
  • Added on 17 July, 2012
  • Emoticon category: Mood emoticons

'Open mouth' is animated in 6 frames, the animation is 4.4 seconds long and loops continously. It's a GIF animation measuring 47 by 40 pixels and has 235 colors, it also supports a transparent background.

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Showing all 6 frames.

Codes for Open mouth

To use the Open mouth icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:

For more free Surprised emoticons like the open mouth icon, visit the Shocked emoticons pack. We have the best smileys for facebook, Skype and Yahoo.

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The open mouth icon, smiley and emoticon is protected by copyright laws.