Sherv.NET > Emoticons > Objects and Item emoticons > Computer emoticons

Computer emoticons

We all love or computer very much, so here are some animations and emoticons all about these technological wonders. All of the graphics and smileys are free for downloading or sharing, so enjoy them.

bang head on desk smiley
Bang head on desk
smashing laptop with bat smiley
Smashing laptop with bat
banging head on keyboard smiley
Banging Head on Keyboard
computer smash smiley
Computer Smash
smashing computer smiley
Smashing computer
hitting computer smiley
Hitting computer
sleeping at work smiley
Sleeping at work
banana on computer smiley
Banana on Computer
working on a computer smiley
Working on a Computer
throw computer smiley
Throw Computer
hi computer smiley
Hi Computer
computer work smiley
Computer work
computer smash smiley
Computer Smash
laughing text smiley
Laughing Text
ban button smiley
Ban Button
cute mole computer geek smiley
Cute Mole Computer Geek
caveman smashing laptop smiley
Caveman smashing Laptop
computer error smiley
Computer Error
computing smiley
video game smiley
Video Game
dead computer geek smiley
Dead computer geek
rage text smiley
Rage text
sad text smiley
Sad Text
typed text smiling smiley
Typed Text Smiling
text happy face smiley
Text Happy Face
sad symbol smiley
Sad Symbol

There are 26 emoticons in the Computer emoticons pack.

Recent Comments:

So funny!! Love this smashing emoji! LOL

in smashing... on 22 Sep, 2018

How do I download the emoji smileys to use in text msgs?

in smashing... on 04 Jun, 2018

Ha ha so funny 😄 😄 😄 😄 😂😂

in cute mole... on 22 Nov, 2017

The thing to do when you have A computer problem is not smash or throw it,...

in computer error on 17 Aug, 2017

You should add Halloween emojis. If there are, then I'm probably just blind!

in sleeping at... on 09 Nov, 2016

Computer animations and clipart

These animations show people using computers or other related topics. You can use them anywhere you like, and we hope you really enjoy them.

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