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Funny MSN Names
This selection of funny display names includes the best nicknames submitted by users. if you have a cool msn name that you would like to submit, you can go here to do so. Also check out our Guide to MSN Names if you need some help. So start browsing these funny MSN names below!
- My cat's name is mittens!
- Roses r red Violets r blue God made me beautiful But what the hell did he do to you!
- Act your age, not your shoe size!
- God created man first because you always make a rough draft before a masterpiece!
- ~*~What happens if you get scared half to death 2 timez?~*~
- Dig a lil hole Planet a lil seed Grow a lil tree Smoke a lil weed
- You cant have everything, Where would u put it?
- You were so cute as a baby... what happened?!?
- I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception
- Don't think of yourself as an ugly person. Think of yourself as a beautiful monkey!
- I'm knot dumb!
- My door is always open so feel free to leave
- This DOG is a good DOG way DOG to keep an fool DOG busy DOG. Read this again without DOG.
- Be selfish just once... If your upset, take someone elses life instead of your own!
- I thought that I could love no other. Until, that is, I met ur brother!
- I love ur smile and ur eyes...Damn im good at telling lies! :D
- I'd Get Up And Do Something With Myself, But I'd Rather Stay In Bed!
- :) My darling my love, my beautiful wife. Marrying you screwed up my life :S
- Why do our noses run and our feet smell?!?!
- Those are my principles. If you don't like them... I have others.
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Emoticons Pack 4 |
Emoticon Pack 11 |
Emoticon Pack 11 |
Emoticons Pack 4 |
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