Frustrated user Emoticons, Smileys And Icons
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Frustrated user Emoticon

Frustrated user animated emoticon
4.12 (164 votes)

This angry guy has lost his patience with his computer and is banging his head onto the keyboard out of frustration! Time to buy a new computer! Purchasing a new computer may largely solve his problems or perhaps he needs some good computer lessons?! Many of us can relate to this funny emoticon as we've all been there and done that at some point of time.

Emoticons like Frustrated user:

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User comments (11)

Anonymous said:05 May '17

Done that a few times myself. Good one.

Anonymous said:24 Oct '16

Nice. Very nice emojis indeed.

Anonymous said:03 Mar '15

Very funny frustrated emoji:-D
Purchasing a new computer won't solve his problems, controlling his anger would.

Anonymous said:04 May '12

wonder whether the frustrated user one will work.

Anonymous said:30 Apr '12


Anonymous said:16 Feb '11

the angry one is very funny :D
cute to c it...!

ino said:31 Jan '11

A cool smiley to add to your MSN, i like it.

Anonymous said:21 Apr '10

i luv this emotion but how dyu download

Some Random said:15 Apr '10

HAHAHA lolz yer... it is funny

anglish_ROSE. said:07 Feb '10

Very funny well, I guess.......

some guy said:28 Jul '08

yes I agree, it is very funny.

Details for frustrated user

Suggested shortcut: :banghd
Tags: Frustrated, Angry, Banging, Head, Computer
Filename: bang.gif

  • The Frustrated user emoticon is Animated
  • Frustrated user icon file size: 4.46 kB (4567)
  • Added on 30 May, 2008
  • Emoticon category: Funny Emoticons

'Frustrated user' is animated in 3 frames, the animation is 0.4 seconds long and loops continously. It's a GIF animation measuring 50 by 50 pixels and has 256 colors, it also supports a transparent background.

Codes for Frustrated user

To use the Frustrated user icon on forums, profiles, MySpace, etc use the following codes:

For more free Funny Emoticon collection emoticons like the frustrated user icon, visit the Funny Emoticons set pack.

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The frustrated user icon, smiley and emoticon is protected by copyright laws.